

Showing posts with label pay-per-click. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pay-per-click. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Freelancer PPC Services

Ewebsoft provides PPC management for high ROI through the best competitive and analysis keywords. 
We are managing PPC campaigns across the globe through monitoring and testing and best-targeting keywords. 
We can manage your campaign whether you have a low or high budget. Through the PPC campaign, your website comes in a web presence. For any Ecommerce website web traffic is most important to grow your business.

freelancer ppc services

Ewebsoft ensures you that you will get high web traffic through PPC which is the best way to put 
your advertising on Google. We set up your account and manage your campaign. We will provide you the best keywords for your business.

Ewebsoft's PPC campaign includes Account setup, ad copy development, Bid setup, Landing page selection, and implementation of conversion tracking code. For the setup campaign, we will take prior action such as keyword research, ad copy development, Bid setup, landing page selection, and implementation of conversion tracking code.

PPC Management

We take special care of your project such as landing page optimization and creating a new landing page (Recommendations). We create weekly performance reports. We are providing email support, chat, and phone support 24*7 to our clients.

Pay Per Click

There are many factors that go into managing a Google Ad words Account that requires careful consideration and adjustments to get the best results and Return on Investment. These Adjustments are explained in detail below (in no particular order):

Keyword Selection: - The process of finding the correct keywords to target, and those that give the best Return on Investment.

Keyword Matching:- Making use of keyword matching options available including broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match as well as employing embedded matching where necessary.

Position Preference:- Selection of the preferred preference of your ads to attract the visitors who are most likely to 'convert' into paying customers.

Pay Per Click

Country/Region targeting:- We can target your ads to specific countries and change those ads depending on their intended audience.

Language Targeting:- Target your ads to only people who speak a certain language.

Start/End Dates:- Specify start and end dates for your campaigns.

Budget:- Preset a specific amount to be spent daily on your entire account or across various campaigns.

Ad Scheduling:- Run your ads at certain times of the day, or certain days per week to maximize ROI.

Google Networks:- Choose to show your ads only on Google, Google's Search Network, and the Content Network.

Keyword Bids:- Manage bids on each individual keyword as well as set the price for content bids on Google's Content Network.

Exclude Sites:- Exclude sites to show your ads on Google's Content Network or choose those that you wish to display your ads on.

Campaign Creation:-Create different campaigns to maximize your ROI. Separate countries to target, languages to target, create separate budgets for different departments in your company, etc.

Ad Group Creation:- Create unique Ad Groups for different products or services.

Conversion Tracking:- Monitor conversions from a visitor to a paying customer or determine your own conversions such as a series of page views, signup to a newsletter, or a website inquiry.

Cross Channel Tracking:- Track other online advertising campaigns through your Google Ad words Account. Yahoo Search Marketing, Banner Ads, email campaigns, etc.

Analytics Setup/Monitoring:- Track your visitors with Google Analytics to view a huge range of information including:

PPC Management

  • Daily Visitors
  • Visits & Page View Tracking
  • Goal Conversion Tracking (Requires additional setup)
  • Absolute Unique Visitors
  • Visitor Loyalty
  • Visitor Regency
  • New vs. Returning
  • Referring Source
  • Geo Location
  • Network Location
  • Language
  • Domains
  • CPC Analysis
  • Ad Words Analysis
  • Overall Keyword Conversion
  • Ad Words Keywords Positions
  • CPC vs. Organic Conversions
  • Ad Version Testing
  • Top Content
  • Dynamic Content
  • Depth of Visit
  • Length of Visit
  • Entrance Bounce Rates
  • Top Exit Points
  • Goal Tracking (Requires additional setup)
  • Browser Versions
  • Platform Versions
  • Screen Resolutions
  • and More!!!
All this information is combined into a successful advertising campaign that will reduce the number of impressions, reduce your Cost Per Click (CPC), increase your Click Through Rate (CTR), increase your quality score, and increase your Return On Investment (ROI).

Pay Per Click Management Techniques

 What Is Pay Per Click 

Pay Per Click or PPC has really gotten popular over the years.  It's an incredible tool when used correctly.  If you're not sure what you're doing, it can be a big waste of money.  On this page, I will share the things that I have learned from trial and error, and from reading and studying the topic.  For those that are new let me explain how it works.  I'm sure you've done tons of searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.  When you type in the term you are looking for and hit search, you will get a list of results.  The results at the very top and down the right side will be paid ads.  The results down the left will be the natural results or the organic results.  With all the millions of searches being done every day, wouldn't it be great to have your ad at the top?  Well with PPC you can.  With PPC you are bidding on keywords that are relevant to your ad. 

Pay Per Click

If you sell lamps, then you would want to bid on keywords such as lamps for sale, bargain lamps, and quality lamps, and you get the picture.  When someone searches for one of these terms your ad will appear somewhere in the top or right side of the search result.  Where your ad appears depends on how much you bid for that keyword.  If you are the highest bidder you will be at the top left.  If you are the lowest you might not appear until the second page of the results.  Sounds a bit confusing at first but it's not. 

The reason this is a great tool is it lets you target the keywords you will bid on, you create your ads based on these keywords, and you only pay if someone clicks on your ad.  You also get to set your budget.  You can decide that the most you will pay each time your ad is clicked on is .24 cents.  You can also set a limit of $5.00 dollars a day.  When your limit is up your ads will stop displaying for the rest of the day.  If your going to spend money on advertising then this is a great way to go.

Pay Per Click Management Techniques:

Many clients believe that it is relatively easy to manage a Google Ad words account. When using Google's Starter Edition account, this may well be the case. But when we factor in Google's philosophy on Ad Placement, being that the number one position is the best place to be, then there may be a conflict of interests.

PAY PER CLICK MARKETINGGoogle may be correct that the most clicks will be achieved when positioned at number one, however, this does not necessarily mean that the client will get the best return on investment (ROI).

Contrary to popular belief, advertising in Google Ad Words is not all about how big your budget is. Google Ad Words is a very sophisticated system in that it will reward you if your products/services are more relevant than your competitors to any given search phrase.

Google Ad Word rates its ads on the ‘quality score’ that they achieve. This ‘quality score’ is a ranking system devised by Google to rank all advertisers equally, even if one advertiser's budget is much higher than another advertiser's. However, you must provide quality content/products/services and an optimized Ad Words account in order to get a higher ‘quality score’.The quality score takes into account many factors. These factors include:

Click Through Rate (CTR) – This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.

Max Cost Per Click (CPC) – This is the maximum bid placed on any particular keyword.
Ad Text – The relevancy of the ad text in relation to the keyword phrase typed into the search engine.
Landing Page – The relevancy of the content on the landing page (where the ad points the user to) to the keyword used and the ad clicked on.

Max CPC CTR Quality Score Ad Position

Below is an example that shows the placement of ads belonging to four different advertisers when we take into account their CTR, max CPC, and Quality Score:

Quality Score
Ad Position
Advertiser 1
Advertiser 2
Advertiser 3
Advertiser 4
As you can see from the example above, Advertiser 1 is actually spending the least amount, while still achieving the top advertising position, thanks to a high CTR, and thus the highest quality score. Although Advertiser 3 is spending the most, he only achieves 3rd position because his Ad Words account is poorly optimized, having the lowest CTR out of the competing advertisers. From this, you can see how important it is to maintain a high-quality score to achieve the best ROI.